Friday, 23 July 2010

Broken Treats and Ready Meals

Well my weigh in on Monday rocked.  I lost another 4lbs!  That's 8lbs in two weeks and takes my total weight down to...
14st 7lbs 

That means I can cross a goal off my goal list...

  1. Be able to do ten pressups.  Proper ones, not the girly ones
  2. Wear a pencil skirt and look hot 
  3. Get to 14st 7lbs Get to 13st 13lbs (in other words, get rid of that damn 14!)
My gorgeous bag came on Monday but sadly, it was broken.  I'm not sure whether that has some deep hidden meaning or whether it was just broken but I'm a bit gutted as it was supposed to be my big treat for getting through the first two weeks of my diet.  They don't have any left either so maybe I just sack off my treat and get a bigger treat after I've done the full 28 days.  Think I may just do that.

This week is the week before payday which generally means skintness. I had a bit of a mad cooking frenzy last night to make sure I definitely had food for next week and had no excuse to cheat.  Check out my production line...

Every dish starts with love and care...and plenty of garlic

Perfect portion control, who needs ready meals when you can make your own?!
I must say I've cooked loads more following this diet than I have in a long while.  I've also spent far less than I normally do as I've not had takeaways or eaten in the canteen at work.  Who says healthy eating has to cost a bomb eh?

Turkey and Mango Samosas with Mixed Vegetables
Chicken in Mushroom Sauce with Mashed Sweet Potato and Mixed Vegetables
Hopefully next month I'll have a little more money to try some more dishes as there has been a massive chicken and bolognese theme this month which can get a little tedious.  One more week to go!

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