Sunday 19 September 2010

Impossible goals or goals I've not fulfilled yet?

Well what a miserable failure my "back on it" week has been!  I've frequented various fast food establishments and probably done enough to make the Cadburys shareholders extremely happy but you know something?  WHO CARES?  So what?  I ate something.  I clearly do care or I wouldn't be writing a blog about much I don't care but oh well.

Weighed in a day early this week and guess what?  1lb off!  No idea how.  I keep losing and putting back on the same stone, it's draining.  I wanted to be out of the 14s by the end of September but with less than two weeks of it left, I doubt that will happen.  Current weight...  

14st 10lbs 

So my mate Jo asked me today if I fancied doing the Great North Run this time next year and I nearly choked on my BK Whopper!  I mean seriously, the girl who only just finished the Great Manchester Run (that was down to sheer stubbornness, not fitness) doing a half marathon?!  No  way!  Then I sat and thought about it.  Why not?  Why can't I do that?  OK so I've been trying to get out of the 14's for about 3 years at least now and failed miserably.  Oh and don't forget my knee that resembles a balloon more often than not due to how messed up it is.  Oh and I have zilch motivation.  Need I go on? 

It would be nice to do it though.  Actually it would be amazing!  The feeling of crossing the finish line of the Great Manchester Run is amazing enough (I'm addicted to it, hence why I've done it three times) so imagine how fantastic I would feel after that?

I get messages sometimes on my Facebook page and to my email address saying that I motivate people.  I've no idea how because I've not actually achieved anything.  I'm watching all these people I've set off on their weight loss journeys beat me and me just stay in the same place.  About time I flipping well took my own advice!  I'm glad I've motivated people, I'm glad people are achieving their goals.  One of my best mates, Lizzie, is now 26 inches and a stone lighter than she was a month ago which is amazing!  I'm so proud of her.  She keeps me sane and at least keeps me trying to carry on, even if I'm not there yet.  I can't remember who said this but someone said that every setback is another opportunity to learn.  How right that person was.

First thing.  New Year's Resolutions.  I never stick to them.  Lesson learnt?  Don't make them!  At least don't make them at New Year.  You may remember a little while ago I had some goals.  I'm doing baby steps now.  No more grand gestures as they've obviously not worked for me.  Once I've achieved one, I can move onto the next.  I'll cross them out as I go so I can see how much I have achieved

Get down to 14st 7lbs

Be able to do 5 full pressups

Be able to fit into my polka dot pencil skirt and not look pregnant

Who knows, maybe next year I'll be running with this lot...

Sunday 12 September 2010

Where did I go?

It's been a little while since I've updated my blog...oops!  See if you can guess what happened.  I fell off the wagon.  Oh well.  Back on it tomorrow (I'm going to have that phrase carved on my gravestone!).  I'm not exactly sure what I weight at the moment, I shall weigh in tomorrow morning.  I do know that I'll be lucky if I'm not back in the 15s but these things are sent to try us.

I did utter that fateful phrase "I'll be out of the 14s this month" which I'm sure curses me so I'm not going to say it anymore.  It's what I want but it seems the more I concentrate on it, the further away from me it seems so I guess I shouldn't say it anymore.  Let's see what happens eh?