Saturday, 24 July 2010


So I decided to measure my inch loss last night and I've lost TEN inches from my body in total which I'm quite shocked about.  It would have been more had I done all my exercise but I'll take that!  I'm not going to measure my inch loss again until the end of the month but I'm happy with that for now.  Takes me a few steps closer to being able to look foxy in a pencil skirt!

I also found out that one pound of body fat is the equivalent of half a litre of oil so my 8lbs weight loss so far means I've lost the equivalent of 4 litres of oil - ew!  If that doesn't make me carry on I don't know what will!  That "oh well I've only put a pound on" philosophy I used to have seems a bit daft now when I think about it and I'm definitely going to keep at it - just 31.5 litres of oil left to lose!

How much I've lost so far, ew!

Friday, 23 July 2010

Broken Treats and Ready Meals

Well my weigh in on Monday rocked.  I lost another 4lbs!  That's 8lbs in two weeks and takes my total weight down to...
14st 7lbs 

That means I can cross a goal off my goal list...

  1. Be able to do ten pressups.  Proper ones, not the girly ones
  2. Wear a pencil skirt and look hot 
  3. Get to 14st 7lbs Get to 13st 13lbs (in other words, get rid of that damn 14!)
My gorgeous bag came on Monday but sadly, it was broken.  I'm not sure whether that has some deep hidden meaning or whether it was just broken but I'm a bit gutted as it was supposed to be my big treat for getting through the first two weeks of my diet.  They don't have any left either so maybe I just sack off my treat and get a bigger treat after I've done the full 28 days.  Think I may just do that.

This week is the week before payday which generally means skintness. I had a bit of a mad cooking frenzy last night to make sure I definitely had food for next week and had no excuse to cheat.  Check out my production line...

Every dish starts with love and care...and plenty of garlic

Perfect portion control, who needs ready meals when you can make your own?!
I must say I've cooked loads more following this diet than I have in a long while.  I've also spent far less than I normally do as I've not had takeaways or eaten in the canteen at work.  Who says healthy eating has to cost a bomb eh?

Turkey and Mango Samosas with Mixed Vegetables
Chicken in Mushroom Sauce with Mashed Sweet Potato and Mixed Vegetables
Hopefully next month I'll have a little more money to try some more dishes as there has been a massive chicken and bolognese theme this month which can get a little tedious.  One more week to go!

Sunday, 18 July 2010

No Way!

Wow I've done it! (OK it's 8.30pm on my last day so I may be premature but I'm confident).  14 days of 1200 calories, practically no carbs, very little fat and lots of fruit and veg.  Being a yo-yo dieter I've never stuck to anything this long so I'm hugely proud of myself.  I'm not counting my chickens yet though as I have another 2 weeks to go however I have an extra 200 calories to add in everyday which will take the edge off the sugar and fat cravings I've been having.

Basically now I've done the hard bit of the Amazing Inch Loss Plan, I get to add in a high fat treat and a low fat treat.  So what will they look like?  Well a fun size Twix is a high fat treat, as is a bag of Skips.  Low fat treats are all the stuff like low fat chocolate mousse or extra fruit.  There's a lot to choose from so I think I shall send Steve shopping with a list of all the little treats I'm allowed!  The danger with now being able to have these is that I may slip into bad habits again.  Will one fun size Twix make me want a full size one?  We shall see!

The main thing I have been lax on this week is exercise.  I say lax, I mean practically non-existent.  I've not done any of the toning exercises I'm supposed to have done and my Aerobic Challenge has been lacklustre to say the least.  I reckon this will have an effect on my weight/inch loss but hopefully not too much.  This week I'm really going to up my game on the exercise front.  There's no point putting all this effort into eating the right things if I'm not going to bother with the exercise bit of the plan.  Fitness goals this week...

  • 10,000 steps a day (I have my sexy little purple pedometer to help with that one now)
  • Complete the toning exercises in Rosemary's book at least once a day (ideally once in the morning and once at night)
  • Do the 30 Day Shred at least once this week.
  • Do some hula hooping on the Wii Fit at least once this week

I think that's more than enough to be going on with this week don't you?

So, my treat for finishing the hardcore 14 days is the gorgeous little bag you see below.  How sexy is this little bad boy?!  I've wanted it for a little while and not been able to justify it however now I think I deserve a little treat and it was half price so fate made me buy it!  I've decided my watch will be the treat at the end of the full 28 days as it's a little more expensive so fitting of a full month treat!  Ooh I like this whole treat idea, it's a definite fun way of doing these things

So what will the scales hold for me tomorrow do we think?  I'm hoping I have another 4lbs loss like last week  as that will mean I've reached my first weight loss goal of 14st 7lbs.  It's an awful lot to lose though and you always lose more in your first week so I'm trying not to be too optimistic - that way I can only be pleasantly surprised!  Wish me luck folks.

Friday, 16 July 2010

Day 12 - seriously?!

Well I must admit I didn't think I would be writing a post about being on...wait for it...DAY 12!  Woohoo!  I never stick to diets this long!  Maybe I'm finally coming to my senses about the fact I can't carry on being the size I am and all these nonsense diets I've been on are just that, nonsense.  I'm genuinely learning more about my eating habits than ever before and the fact that I do have it in me to be strong after all.  I've resisted MacDonalds, pizza, chippy - loads of stuff!  Just need to get through the weekend now.  I know I can do this.

I'm currently feeling a bit sorry for myself due to my monthly visit from TOM.  I hate him I really do!  I just feel so weak and minging but it's only for a couple of days so I'll just have to put up with it.  TOM is generally the worst time of the month for me as I crave chocolate and stodge - OK unless you can't have them!

Exercise is a bit of an issue for me as I've really not bothered this week and I know that will show when I weigh in on Monday.  I know it's important because losing weight is pointless if you don't tone up at the same time.  I just can't be bothered and have no motivation this week.  Guess I need to suck it up and at least do some Hula Hooping on the Wii-Fit.  Anyone ever had a go on that?  It's hilarious!

Biggest Loser rocks.  I really love that programme.  I can't watch it without crying for a start - it's a cheesy emotional rollercoaster but I love Bob and Jillian.  Jillian Michaels is a complete legend she really is.  I've decided I'm going to get a t-shirt made with one of her favourite sayings on it...motivation eh?

Monday, 12 July 2010

Well now, that wasn't so bad was it?

Today was my first weigh in since starting Rosemary Conley's Amazing Inch Loss Plan and it wasn't as traumatic as I thought it was going to be!  I lost 4lbs which means I'm on track for my 16lbs weight loss by August 8th (Sydie's wedding).  I know that I'd have lost more if I'd have done all of my exercises last week but I just couldn't be bothered!  My total weight is now...

14st 11lbs

So chuffed that it wasn't a complete measly loss and it means I'm a few steps closer to my watch!  This week I need to step up my exercise if I want another decent loss before adding high fat treats back into my diet as Rosemary suggests.  I seem to have a lot more willpower than before which is odd, maybe speak to me at the end of the week and see if I'm sniffing chocolate wrappers (yes, I have done that) or staring at the vending machine at work like it's a long lost lover.

Sunday, 11 July 2010

Nerves, treats and chicken porn

OK so I'm on Day Seven now which means that the dreaded weigh in is tomorrow.  I'm sure my scales get dizzy at how up and down they have to go, a downward trend will be a massive culture shock for the poor little things.  I can't believe how nervous I am!  

Things are getting tough now they really are.  Just cooked a roast for Steve and his kids and can't believe how much I wanted chicken skin.  I swear it was talking to me, begging me to eat it.  I could describe how amazing it looked but I may end up in porn territory, something I'm not prepared to do for a description of chicken skin!  (flashbacks to Weight Watchers Recipe Cards, the specific one is below in case you were wondering)

Ever wonder what that movie Carrie would have been like if it had been cast with chickens instead of people and also possibly entirely reconceived as a porno?  
No? Well, does it help to know that now you'll never have to? No? Sorry.

I stripped some of the chicken (no, I've not gone down the porn route) before I gave in and had to shout Steve to finish it for me.  I didn't cave but that was the first time I cried, how tragic?  Over chicken skin?  Really?

I've been counting the days until the end of this week so I can eat chocolate and crisps but my mate Nat said that maybe that wasn't the best way of looking at it if I'm aiming for long term loveliness and perhaps I should get a treat at the end of my 14 days.  She's right so I've decided I'll treat myself to a watch at the end of my fortnight (chocolate is still very much in the back of my mind though, I'm not going to lie!)  Check out this little beauty...
I love it!  I love all things pretty and goth so it looks like it was made for me.  One rule, if I cheat between now and next Monday, I don't get it.  Simple as.

Part of my motivation for starting my diet this time round is to be out of the 14's for my mate Sydie's wedding on the 8th August.  Even if I don't do it, I know I'll have tried my damn hardest.  Sydie is one of the best mates a girl could have and even when she feels rubbish, she can still spare the time to cheer you up.  A true friend.  The least I can do is look half decent for her at her wedding!

Steve has also been fantastic this time round too (he's probably lost track of how many diets I've been on since we've been together).  He's been fab at not making a big song and dance about me being on a diet and yet not sabotaging it either.  Here he is making my tea for me on Day Two...

I'm very lucky to have these people in my life and hopefully with this weight off, I'll have them in my life a lot longer.   Pretty sure that being 15 stone is the sure way to a shorter life.  I've had masses of support from other friends and some strangers too and I can't begin to say how much I love everyone for it.  So, here's to my weigh in tomorrow and carrying on with the journey to a slimmer me eh?

Saturday, 10 July 2010

Story so far and a reality check

Well I'm on Day 6 and so far so good!  Don't get me wrong, I'm not going to lie and say it's been really easy because it hasn't.  It's been tougher than I thought but I know I can do this.  Despite the fact I would happily mug an old lady for a chocolate bar right now, I do feel better in myself.  I feel a bit slimmer.  My skin feels fresher and most importantly, I feel a bit happier inside too.

I've actually enjoyed following the meal plan and finding healthier versions of my favourite foods.  Check out the version of KFC I had for tea last night!  It was so tasty and loads of fun to make too.

Exercise has become a regular fixture in my days recently too which is bizarre.  I cancelled my gym membership not so long ago because I never went - the thought of it was bad enough.  Now, the £30 a month I was paying is going into my "treat fund" (I'm buying myself treats for certain weight loss milestones) which is so much better for me!

Yesterday I went for a 5K walk along with some toning exercises and I've done the same today.  I've also helped mow the lawn, fantastic for your waist and bingo wings you know!  All of this is free.  How have I not done this before?  I now park on the top shelf at work too (top floor of the car park) even when there are spaces closer to the entrance.  I'll walk over to someone at work instead of emailing them.  All these things must make a difference surely?

Interesting experiment with a daft i-phone app called "FatBooth".  One part of my eating disorder I struggled with was self perception.  Even though I know I'm fat, I always perceived myself as even fatter than I was.  I thought that part of my brain was fixed but last night proved it wasn't.  Take a look at the picture below.  I genuinely thought that was a picture of me.

Steve had to keep showing me the actual picture he'd started with to convince me that it wasn't.  The picture below is the actual picture of me.  Quite a reality check I must say.

OK don't get me wrong, I'm no Kate Moss but it's worrying how huge I perceive myself to be.  Maybe my head isn't quite as fixed as I thought it was eh?  Guess these things take time.

Sunday, 4 July 2010

Race for Life and my race for...a better life

Well I did it!  Did the 5K Race For Life today with my partner in crime Lizzie.  As my knee is swollen like a balloon (it was like this before I even started the race) I made the decision to walk round, as did Lizzie.  We had a great natter and a few more things have clicked in my head about why I need to do this.  My swollen knee being one of them.  Supporting my weight can't be doing it any favours can it?  Check us out after finishing.  Someone replaced Lizzie with an LA superstar.  Someone really needs to sort this out, my mate Sydie was replaced with one not so long ago too!

We also had a chat about goals and how maybe one of the reason we fail so miserably with weight loss is because we set stupid goals.  From now on, I'm going to start setting myself small achievable goals and work towards those instead.  I'm going to have three goals, one exercisey, one clothing related and one weight/inch loss related.  As I achieve them (because I will), I'll set new ones sort of along the same lines.  Here's my first lot...
  1. Be able to do ten pressups.  Proper ones, not the girly ones
  2. Wear a pencil skirt and look hot
  3. Get to 14st 7lbs.
As I give Rosemary Conley's Amazing Inch Loss Plan (I swear I should be on her payroll the amount of mentions I give her!) another bash tomorrow, I've been shopping to make sure I have plenty stuff in so I've no excuses to deviate or eat garbage.  First thing's first, I'm eating off a smaller plate (a la Paul McKenna, he reckons your brain gets tricked into thinking you're eating more) and I have teeny cartons for salad dressing (fat free of course).

Next comes a fridge full of healthy goodies...

Then comes some good old-fashioned studying!

Oh and as it's signed, I better had do myself proud this time!

Ooh I can't wait to get cracking and I think I'll have a big curry with all the trimmings this evening to wave goodbye to all this lard.  Some things never change eh?!

Saturday, 3 July 2010

Stupidly funny

So Weight Watchers has been going for a daft amount of time now and clearly it's very successful.  I wonder how successful it would be if they still used these recipe cards?  Not very I'd imagine!  The lady who's written the captions to these is hilarious, almost as funny as the cards themselves. 

Here's a taster of just how funny these things are...

"I hope that you can see that this is a jellied salad. Do you see it glisten? Do you require a close-up to understand that these beans and mushrooms and pimiento strips are one solid, glistening mass? Okay!
See how the Ceramic Mushroom Family has gathered to show their children what happens to bad little mushrooms"

"These are the saddest diet beverages ever.
The one on the right is skim milk and orange pulp. The one on the left is made with water, sherry extract, and two beef bouillon cubes.
No, really.
Well, there's also celery in it. Oh, and SELF-LOATHING."

Ever wonder what that movie Carrie would have been like if it had been cast with chickens instead of people and also possibly entirely reconceived as a porno?

No? Well, does it help to know that now you'll never have to? No? Sorry.

Well, as adjectives for mackerel go, you could do worse than "snappy." Snappy! So snappy you need threeglasses of cranberry juice to wash it down! So snappy they've placed it in a special roped-off area! Don't get too close to the casserole! 'Cause it'll SNAP at ya! Ha! Ha! SNAPPY!

I must admit, the props on these pictures are scarily random!  The woman who has set these comedy gems free shares the story of how she came across them here, a funny read!

Click here to view the whole collection of recipe cards in all their fabulousness!

New Home and preparations for Sam's Challenge

After just over 12 months of posting my ramblings here, I've decided to move my blog.  I've had a bit of an overhaul recently, changing from a blondie to a redhead, so I thought I'd give my blog an overhaul too!  I posted on my old blog yesterday about a new start and thought this would be the perfect time to move.

I'm now a whopping 15st 1lbs after spending the last year trying to get out of the "14's" and losing/putting on the same stone.  I've reached the conclusion I wasn't really ready to lose weight as I was doing it for the wrong reasons.  I could go into the psycho babble about "self destruction" and "self sabotage" but I think the truth is I just couldn't be bothered!  Blaming your weight for everything that's wrong in your life doesn't really get you very far.

My mate Sam has set me the challenge of getting out of the 14's in time for my other mate Sydie's wedding on the 8th August.  The reward will be buying lots of clothes at the Trafford Centre on the 1st August.  My punishment if I don't succeed will be watching Sam buy lots of clothes at the Trafford Centre on the 1st August!

Given the fact that I'm much heavier than I thought I was when I actually agreed to this challenge, I've a feeling I'll be watching Sam buy clothes!  I can still try my best thought can't I?

In line with my usual "diet starts on Monday" philosophy, I shall be royally "getting on it" on...funnily enough...Monday!  I'm going to have a bash at loosely following Rosemary Conley's Amazing Inch Loss Plan.  Last time I started this, I lost 6lbs in my first week!  I just got a bit fed up and gave up on it because my heart wasn't really in it.  I'm going to head to the supermarket tomorrow and get everything in for the week so I've no excuses.  Hopefully I'll save a bit of cash along the way with not buying the utter garbage they sell at the canteen we have at work.

These little beauties are also coming out of retirement...

For those who don't know, they are Rosemary Conley's genius Portion Pots which stop your eyes being bigger than your belly.  Ever made stupid amounts of pasta or rice?  Not with these bad boys!  In line with the Rosemary Conley theme, I'm also going to be starting to use the Magic Measure currently acting as a dust-catcher on my dressing table.

Basically, the different colours are for different parts of your body.  The bigger ones stay where they are and you get to move the little ones along as you lose inches.  Fun eh?  I used this so much I didn't even attach my start ones last time!

Wish me luck folks!