Saturday 6 August 2011

Further than I thought...

Well yet again I have neglected my blog recently and not exactly been, shall we say, "on it" so I'm giving myself a kick up the backside to make sure I don't spend as long in the 13s as I did in the 14s.  Currently I'm...

13st 11lbs

...which is a little bit behind where I wanted to be.  Mainly due to an abundance of takeaway, alcohol and laziness!  Really need to up my game here.  Been set a challenge to be 13st 7lbs by next weigh in and I'll get free drinks all night (vodka can be a great incentive).  That's 4lbs in a week and it's been a long time since I've done that so not really that hopeful to be honest.  I know that's a bit defeatist but I don't want to set myself up for a fall as it generally triggers off bad habits with me.

I know I'm not the only one struggling at the moment so if you are struggling, just think of a time when you felt amazing.  It may be that you got into that dress for the first time, or when you completed a run without stopping.  Whatever it may be, just cast your mind back to it and focus on feeling like that again.  It won't come without effort but it will be worth it in the end.  That's what I'm telling myself anyway!

As well as the 4lbs off this week aim, I'm also aiming to be out of the 13s by 11th September as I have a wedding and would love to look foxy for it!  A few aims there which are hopefully realistic.  My secret weapon of Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred has been dug out so that should help speed things along!

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