Friday 10 June 2011

Dear Lauren.

Dear Lauren

How did you let yourself get this way?  Didn't you realise that sitting on your backside all day and eating junk would do this?  OK so you've not had the most miserable time doing it but are you happy?  Even slightly?  Is that why you come home after a hard day and make yourself feel better with mountains of food?  Does it change anything?  No, you and me both know the answer to that.

Think of all the times you've sat and cried in a changing room because you can't fit in the clothes that you want to wear.  Think of all the times you've gone on nights out and had to get wrecked so you could pretend to be the life and soul of the party when deep down you wanted to curl up under a rock so no-one could see you.

How did you feel when you first did the Great Manchester Run back in 2006?  I know you were chuffed you finished but I also know you were devastated at how much even the long walk killed you because you were too unfit even to do that.  Walking upstairs left you out of breath.  You told everyone you gave up the gym because you were skint.  Not true.  You had enough money to go and buy takeaways.  You gave up because you were lazy.  You couldn't face going in there with people judging you and you couldn't be bothered with that little bit of effort.

Think of all the times you drove to MacDonalds and bought 2 large Big Mac meals, one for the drive home (round the corner) and one to eat at home.  All the times you bought tons of crisps and chocolates just to pig out in front of the TV and then whinge that it was all just so hard.

What about all the people who tried to help you?  The people that cared about you and hated seeing you beat yourself up about the way you looked all the time.  You dismissed them and pushed them so far away, some of them didn't come back.

Well stop it.  No more.  If you carry on, you will make yourself even more ill than you are already.  Think of those clothes you've longed to wear, the life you've longed to lead.  You can have it.  It's yours.  You deserve it.  You're not so bad.  OK so you don't look the way you want to.  What about the you on the inside?  Doesn't that you deserve to shine on the outside?  Think of this.  Keep it with you.  To quote your own words...

"Look in the mirror and learn to love what you see now. Only then will you have the strength to start your journey to a healthier and happier you. You are beautiful now and never forget that."

Me, 2010

You can do this.

All my love, 
Lauren xxx

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