Saturday, 2 April 2011

Need to make friends with breakfast and SHRED!

Damn it, my run of good results has suffered a minor blip.  I've unfortunately gained 4lbs (ridiculously easy to do!) so slightly gutted however it's no-one's fault but mine.  Those who have been with me a long time will know that this is the point I usually give up, get back into the 15's again, and then have a whole "seriously I'm going to do it this time" relaunch of my neverending diet.  Not this time.  If it kills me I will be out of the 14s by the end of April as I cannot go on losing and putting on this same stone for the rest of my life.  Back up to:

14st 10lbs  

People say, "you'll do it when you're ready" or "you don't want it enough".  Neither is true.  I do want it and I am ready.  Sometimes I just want to eat junk more.  I have an unhealthy relationship with food.  Always have done and possibly always will do.  I binge, I purge.  Sometimes I go longer between binges and even longer between purges but the trigger is always there.  It's like a hot man that you can't get enough of.  You know it's wrong and you'll get hurt yet you still go back for more.  Stupid but true.

So that's the science bit of an eating disorder.  OK so it's not the science bit at all, but perhaps it helps people understand a little more that a bulimic trying to lose weight the "proper" way is really really hard.  You have to strike a balance between being aware of food and being consumed by it.  Alas that balance tipped the other way over the last fortnight and it wasn't pleasant but that's all done and dusted now and it's behind me.

Not eating until at least 1pm is not healthy.  I'm going to make a concerted effort to actually have breakfast from now on as I'm sure that doesn't help with the binge fest.

Right, enough moping now, onto the lovely delightful month that is April.  April is by far one of my favourite months as it consists of bonus from work, daffodils (they're like sunshine in a flower) and, the most important bit, MY BIRTHDAY (23rd April so you know when to send my pressie!).  This month's challenge for my lovely people is Shrinking Violet's Shred An Eggstra 8lbs Challenge (click on the link to go to the Facebook event if you want to join in).  The aim of this is to lose 8lbs in April and, if you're really up for a challenge, to do Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred DVD everyday.

For those not familiar with 30 Day Shred, it's a 20 minute workout combining strength, cardio and ab work and it works multiple muscles at the same time.  Jillian is one of my idols (she used to be fat too you know) as she doesn't go in for the fluffy feelings mumbo jumbo.  She just wants results.  I could learn a lot from her.  Anyway, I've done my first day and psyching myself up for the second. I now have 11lbs to lose this month to get out of the 14s by the end of the month so best get cracking (cracking, eggs, Easter - get it?)

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