Tuesday, 10 August 2010

Sabotage, surprises, rips and weddings

After a week of eating junk (pizza, Macdonalds, Burger King - you name it, I probably ate it) I was too scared and annoyed to weigh myself.  Why did I destroy all my hard work over the past month?  What an idiot.  I worked so damn hard.  Time for psychobabble.  Apparently it's a common thing and all down to fear.  Fear of what exactly?  Fear of the following...
  • Fear of how people will react to your success (especially family)
One of my friends lost a great deal of weight recently and her family were awful to her.  It's amazing how quickly admiration can turn into jealousy and I would hate to think that anyone in my life was capable of that.
  • Fear of higher expectations at work and at home
Not so sure about this one.  Not sure how performance at work and weight are related.  Guess some soul searching is needed to understand that one.
  • Fear of dealing with your demons and true feeling
Nah, well yeah.  Once I've lost weight, what do I have left to focus on?
  • Fear of being happier than your friends or family
I want nothing more than all my friends and family to be happy and yeah I suppose this one is kind of true.  Do I deserve to be happier than everyone else?
  • Fear of how men will treat you
Not sure about this one either to be honest.

Well yep, self sabotage has definitely been high on the agenda if the psychobabble is to be believed.  Imagine my surprise when I decided to step on the scales and realised that I had stayed the same.  What the hell?!  How did that happen?  That means I lost 10lbs in the last month.  Madness.  No idea how I did that.

My main reason for losing weight as fast as I did was because I wanted to fit into my dress for my friend Sydie's wedding and it didn't even zip up at the beginning of July.  I did it, I got in it!  Steve zipped me in it on the morning of Sydie's wedding and decided the zip wasn't central so gave it a yank and RIP, the zip tore away from the seam.  Gutted.  After a mad dash for a sewing kit, crisis was averted - this was HALF AN HOUR BEFORE THE WEDDING WAS DUE TO START!  I think I coped rather well.  Poor Steve was gutted but it's not like he did it on purpose or anything, guess he doesn't know his own  strength!

So we made it on time, just.  Look how AMAZING the bride looked....

Stunning Sydie!
Couple of other piccies from the day...
Me in my dress at 14st 5.5lbs
Me and my dapper fiance Steve
So as per usual I shall be having a few days "off" before I get back on the wagon again.  I'm not going to make any promises I can't keep however I do have one goal for the end of the month.  I WILL get rid of that damn 14 if it kills me.

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